Pamela Williams

Pamela used her birthday celebrations to raise money for the cause close to her heart.

Name Pamela Williams
Cause fundraised for

Anne Rowling Regenerative Neurology Clinic

Method of fundraising Fundraiser in celebration of my 50th birthday!                           
Pamela Williams

Why did you decide to fundraise for your chosen cause?

I was diagnosed with MS (multiple sclerosis) in 1998, and have attended the Anne Rowling Regenerative Neurology Clinic for many years, and the WGH (Western General Hospital) before that. The support and treatment I’ve received has been second to none. Although MS cannot be cured, there have been some amazing advances in available treatments, for which I am truly grateful. As such, to celebrate my 50th birthday, I decided to have a birthday fundraiser to support further research! As clinical research scientist myself, this means so much to me!

How did you raise money?

I contacted Kerry to ensure I had the correct details to be able to highlight the amazing work done by the Anne Rowling Clinic. From there, I set up my JustGiving page and sent it to everyone I know. The original target of £1000 has been far exceeded and currently sits at over £3000! I also provided match funding details so if anyone donated whose employer offers match funding, this can also be utilised to boost the total!

Fundraising wisdom

Go for it! It’s such an amazing experience to be able to make a positive contribution to such an important cause! I cannot thank my friends, family and colleagues enough for all their contributions and messages of support – these will make me smile for many years!

Useful links

Anne Rowling Clinic