The UoE Development Trust

The University of Edinburgh Development Trust was established as a registered charity in 1990. The Trust receives, administers and applies funds and properties donated for the benefit of the University of Edinburgh.

Trustees can accept, hold and apply any sums of money, funds, investments or property of any kind to:

  •  further the aims of the University;
  • maintain, improve and develop the facilities for the teaching of undergraduates;
  • for postgraduate work;
  • for research;
  • or for any other object of the University of Edinburgh, provided that such objects are exclusively charitable or educational.

The Trustees meet twice per year, normally November and June. During these meetings they review all the disbursements to the University and approve expenditure from the Edinburgh Fund, mainly to support scholarships, bursaries and innovation grants.

Trustees are responsible for an annual Report and Statement of Account, audited by KPMG, and submitted to the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR).