Protecting the planet

Find out what we’re doing to understand, mitigate and adapt to climate change and support others to live more sustainably.

Our planet is in crisis. Human activity has been placing pressure on our natural resources since the industrial revolution but in recent decades we’ve been confronted with the true cost of that impact through environmental degradation, natural disaster, weather extremes, habitat destruction, food and water insecurity, and a decline in biodiversity.  

The University of Edinburgh has an opportunity and a responsibility to play a role in shaping the solutions to mitigate and adapt to climate and environmental change. As educators, researchers, employers, consumers, and community partners, we are committed to joining the global mission to look after our planet and adapt to more sustainable living. 

 What we're doing

Here’s a snapshot of some of our activity. We’d like to invite you to help us do more.


Get involved

Are you interested in getting involved in our response to climate change? Get in touch to discuss how you can support us.

Veronica Royce

Philanthropy Manager, School of Geosciences

Contact details